Karolyn Lawrence is a Fellow of CPA Australia (FCPA) with over 25 years business management and finance experience. Karolyn founded Red 2 Black Business Management to help small and medium business owners find affordable, efficient ways to manage their financial obligations and to help them use the insights buried in their books to drive business growth and make smart decisions.


Business Activity Statement - BAS

Avoid harsh penalties and ensure your business ticks all the right boxes when it comes to BAS and tax compliance.

Every Australian business registered for GST is required to complete a Business Activity Statement (BAS) to report their GST collection and expenditure to the Australian Taxation Office, ATO.

Regardless of whether you lodge your BAS monthly or quarterly almost every business owner we meet describes their BAS as a painful, time consuming hassle - until they find us.

Registered BAS Agent

Our principal, Karolyn Lawrence is a Registered BAS Agent with the Tax Practitioners Board and can help you ensure that you meet all of your GST, PAYG Withholding Tax and Income Tax Instalment obligations, on time and every time.

Take advantage of our time and money saving Redi Online Accounting packages and let us manage all of your Bookkeeping, Payroll, BAS and Management Reports.

With our packages all of your accounts are managed monthly and BAS preparation and lodgement is included in the cost so there are no nasty surprises when your lodgement is due.

Alternatively you can send us your ready to go business accounting information and we can review, prepare and lodge your BAS for you.

Talk to us about your BAS and compliance accounting needs.


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