
Redi Online
per month
Ideal for Start Ups
Online Accounting System
⊕Up to 25 Transactions / Month
⊕Setup Saasu File & Chart of Accounts
⊕ Monthly Bookkeeping
⊕Bank Reconciliations
⊕ Quarterly BAS
⊕ Monthly Management Reports
⊕ No Payroll
⊕Saasu must be Setup
by Red 2 Black
All prices are in AUD
and include GST
Sign Up to get access now!
Redi Online
per month
Ideal for Start Ups
Online Accounting System
⊕Up to 25 Transactions / Month
⊕Setup Xero File & Chart of Accounts
⊕ Monthly Bookkeeping
⊕Bank Reconciliations
⊕ Quarterly BAS
⊕ Monthly Management Reports
⊕ No Payroll
⊕Xero must be Setup
by Red 2 Black
All prices are in AUD
and include GST
Sign Up to get access now!
Redi Online Accounts
Starts $239
per month
Great for Small Business
with NO Employees
Online Accounting System
Saasu / Xero
⊕Setup Saasu/Xero File
& Chart of Accounts
⊕Unlimited Bank Feeds
⊕Monthly Bookkeeping
⊕Bank Reconciliations
⊕ Quarterly BAS
⊕ Monthly Management Reports
⊕ No Payroll
⊕Saasu/Xero must be Setup
by Red 2 Black
All prices are in AUD
and include GST
Sign Up to get access now!
Redi Online Plus
Starts $249
per month
Great for Small Business
with Employees
Online Accounting System
Saasu / Xero
⊕Setup Saasu/Xero File
& Chart of Accounts
⊕Unlimited Bank Feeds
⊕Monthly Bookkeeping
⊕Bank Reconciliations
⊕ Quarterly BAS
⊕ Monthly Management Reports
⊕ Payroll
⊕Saasu/Xero must be Setup
by Red 2 Black
All prices are in AUD
and include GST
Sign Up to get access now!

How Transaction Based Pricing Works

Both Redi Online packages are available at the fixed price per month shown above. Our Accounts and Plus packages have pricing based on your number of transactions per month, as determined by the number listed on your bank statements. You purchase your package based on your estimated use, determined by previous months’ activity.

For example, Sarah, who operates a retail store and makes 100 transactions a month would have a pricier accounting package than Sam, who operates an online flower delivery service and only makes 50 transactions. Sign up to find out the exact cost for the package that fits your business needs. There is no cost or obligation.

We understand that the number of transactions may change from month to month; we will not charge you extra if you go a little over, from time to time. We will contact you if your business starts to grow and the number of transactions significantly increases, which will require a price change.

Payroll Pricing

Payroll services are billed at the following rates:

Monthly Payroll - $7 per employee per month

Fortnightly Payroll - $15 per employee per month

Weekly Payroll - $30 per employee per month

This fixed fee includes setup and maintenance of employee details, payroll processing, pay advices, quarterly reporting and email to advise the superannuation guarantee amount to pay for each employee each quarter.

Also provided is quarterly reporting of PAYG Withholding Tax, completion of yearly PAYG Payment Summaries and electronic lodgment of the yearly PAYG Summary Statement to the ATO.

For example, if Sarah had 7 employees at her shop who were each paid fortnightly, her cost for payroll services would be $105 per month, which she would add on to her Redi Online Plus package.

to find out more and get started.

If you’d like to speak to someone directly, send a question to pre-sales or give us a call on 0423 111 173.                        

Redi Online

  • Ideal for Start Ups - up to 25 Transactions per Month
  • Setup File & Chart of Accounts
  • Monthly Bookkeeping, Management Reports and Quarterly BAS


If you have a pre-sales question, please send it to pre-sales here.

We understand that sometimes people prefer to speak directly to someone regarding their requirements.

Call us on 0423 111 173 to discuss your needs.


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