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How does it work? 3 Easy Steps

Step 1: Upload all of your payment invoices, receipts, sales invoices, bank and credit card statements and relevant accounting documents on to your secure client area on the Red 2 Black Business Management website.

Step 2: Red 2 Black Business Management complete your Bookkeeping, prepare and lodge your BAS and email you when your Management Reports are complete.

Step 3: We send you an email advising your Bookkeeping, BAS and Management Reports are complete. You login to your secure client file on the Red 2 Black Business Management website and view or download your reports at a time convenient for you. Alternatively, you can login to your online accounting system to view or download your reports.


Alternatively, email your accounting documents to Red 2 Black Business Management.

Here's how it works.

Step 1: Email all of your payment invoices, receipts, sales invoices, bank and credit card statements and relevant accounting documents to Red 2 Black Business Management.

Step 2: Red 2 Black Business Management complete your Bookkeeping, prepare and lodge your BAS and email you when your Management Reports are complete.

Step 3: We send you an email advising your Bookkeeping, BAS and Management Reports are complete. Your Management Reports will be emailed to you. Alternatively, you can login to your online accounting system to view or download your reports.

to find out more and get started.

If you’d like to speak to someone directly, send a question to pre-sales or give us a call on (07) 4051 4000.                        


  • Redi Online - $199/month
  • Redi Online Accounts - Starts $239/month
  • Redi Online Plus - Starts $249/month


If you have a pre-sales question, please send it to pre-sales here.

We understand that sometimes people prefer to speak directly to someone regarding their requirements.

Call us on 0423 111 173 to discuss your needs.


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