Karolyn Lawrence is a Fellow of CPA Australia (FCPA) with over 25 years business management and finance experience. Karolyn founded Red 2 Black Business Management to help small and medium business owners find affordable, efficient ways to manage their financial obligations and to help them use the insights buried in their books to drive business growth and make smart decisions.

Karolyn Lawrence

Karolyn Lawrence is a professional, Fellow of CPA Australia (FCPA) with over 25 years business management and finance experience, having worked for and within leading companies across the globe.

With a deep understanding in business management, Karolyn identified that small and growing businesses would benefit from the best practices, lean operations and finance edge that the larger organisations use. Karolyn takes the knowledge and proven success of big business and injects it with her personal, down to earth approach to help clients understand their finances and take control of their business future.

Red 2 Black Business Management was founded upon Karolyn’s passion to help small and medium business owners find affordable, efficient ways to manage their financial obligations and to help them use the insights buried in their books to drive business growth and make smart decisions.

Some businesses Karolyn has worked with include:

Suncorp Metway Investment Management
Queensland University of Technology
Brisbane City Council
Barclay’s Private Bank London
CIBC World Markets London
JP Morgan
The Royal Bank of Scotland Trust Bank Limited
Jones Lang LaSalle
NQ Project Management Group
Down Under Dive
Apunipima Cape York Health Council

Why we think you deserve a CPA?

You have probably heard the term CPA, CA and accountant, and you probably wouldn't really feel the difference until you needed one. In simple terms, the highest professional credential for an accountant is that of CPA. They are regulated by CPA Australia, and it means that your CPA is obligated to undertake an ongoing commitment to professional development that is not required by non-registered accountants. This gives you access to the best resources possible and a professional service guarantee.

To find out more about why choose a CPA to manage your business, go to CPA Australia.


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